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Corona emergency Phone number and website

Corona emergency
Phone number and website

Corona emergency Phone number and website

State Health Department - www.wbhealth.gov.in

Union Ministry of Health - www.mohfw.nic.in

Indian Council of Medical Research - www.icmr.gov.in.

World Health Organization - www.who.int

 State Health Department Corona Control Room and Integrated Call Center Numbers: 

            23573738, 23561085, 23561063 and 16003134444222

💢 Corona Toll Free and Helpline numbers of Union Ministry of Health: 1065 and 91-11-2396047

Mental problems due to corona Phone: 08047110008

Click www.wbhealth.gov.in to know how many beds there are in a hospital for corona patient admission.

💢 Where corona is tested, you can find out on the website of ICMR and State Health Department.

💢 In addition to these websites you can visit www.worldometers.info and www.covid19india.org to satisfy your curiosity.

Fact: Government

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