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Praise Hari, the food of the soul!


Praise Hari, the food of the soul!

Praise Hari, the food of the soul!

The sages say, what is the greatness of action in action, knowledge, devotion - 'Bhurikarmani'. In this place, time, vessel, product, mantra, the host all want purification! None of this is possible for Kolijib. And Jnanakanda, he is also a huge audio book with different branches like Vedanta, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya Vaisheshika.

After that the sages did not mention devotion! But without mentioning it, he applied the word by which the complaint sounded like you.

What happened? Now if we look at the verse, it can be understood.

The sages say, in all these scriptures you have considered by your intellect as manure; Say that - "Bruhi yat sarang samuddhrtya manisara."

Now the question arises again, then what is the action, the essence of knowledge? The sages do not say no directly, but in turn they point out the results of the practice. Now Sutamuni has to see the fruit and understand what they want. What is the fruit? The result is that in order for the good of the demonic world to happen, say "Bhutanang Bhadraya Bruhi".

The activists came running first. A group of them who believe in worldly fruit showed the fruit of worldly happiness. And as a result, believers showed the fruit of heavenly bliss. They were told that these were not everlasting fruits, that they did not benefit the living world, and that they had to return. Now the wise man came running. Said - our fruit is released. It is the solemn well-being of the organism. And there is no question of coming back. Munira used another sentence to answer them. Said, so that the soul is pleased, - "Janetma suprasidati". Now what do they mean by soul? The word 'soul' in the immortal cell has many meanings, such as: care, dhriti, intellect, disposition, spirit and body -

Atma means the body, the workers are engaged in providing happiness to the body. And Jnanakandi is destroying the ignorance by judging the knowledge through ‘Brahma’. Nothing received. No one said intellect or living soul in the sense of soul. Karmajnani and Jnanakandi have to paint in the cage. The soul-bird that sits in the cage will die of starvation if it is not fed. Must give her food. Harigunakirtan is the food of the soul - "Harigunakirtanam hi atmano ghasah." In order to make the soul happy, one has to give the grain of Harinam

By this the sages meant that for the well-being of the soul there is no need of action and knowledge, but of devotion. That is why they want to hear Harigunakirtan from Sutamuni which is a part of devotion. The glory of God is glorified in devotion.

The Bhagavad-gita is a devotee and a glorifier of God. So the desire of the sages to listen to Bhagavata in various ways was banished. This is the second question of the sages, "Janatma supra-siddati."

From 'Bhagwati Kotha' by Brahmacharini Bela Devi

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